Monday, 6 February 2017

Beginning a journey

And so my journey of MAPP begins.  We started with a Skype introduction with Adesola, Helen and the rest of the people starting their journey with me.  It is interesting to see the varied backgrounds and experiences that have lead us all here to the same place.
I am reading as many of the suggested materials as I get time to, really to try and answer the question that I posed in my last post. How do I know what I know? Something which has resonated with me is Knud Illeris, (2004),"A model for learning in working life" where the connection is made between working, social interactions and learning and this has started me thinking about the connection between these areas as opposed to seeing them as individual elements.  I think this will help in trying to identify my AOL's as I will be seeing the outcomes in a more holistic manner.
Reflectivity and reflexivity are also areas that are currently floating around in my mind as I try to work these considerations more into my daily life.
I made the decision to write this blog in the public domain without my full name/position of employment etc as I feel I will be able to be more reflective without the thought that a potential sponsor/colleague/course attendee will be reviewing my thoughts. I am also trying to find my own style of writing which will meet a 'middle ground'.  I have spent a lot of time writing very formally (Dear Sir/Madam, with reference to your previous correspondence.....etc!) that a more conversational style seems a little alien, however I am finding it somewhat liberating, so hope that my ramblings will get the brain cells working!
My main concern at the moment is time. Having received dates for submissions and cross-referencing these with existing work commitments, it seems that they already clash, and with that in mind, I know that I am going to have to be very organised and ahead of the deadlines to be in on time, my concern is to read everything which could be relevant before I start so as to avoid repeating areas as I become more informed.
I am really interested to know how others are going to work their timetable out to achieve everything.


  1. Hi, it was very nice "meeting" you yesterday. I remembered being overwhelmed by the shear volume of the work. I sat down and made a weekly plan (sometimes worked, sometimes not!). What I did find out was once I got going I really enjoyed finding out about myself and my AOL's which made it easier. Samantha

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment :) Yes, I think that the problem at the moment is getting started! Once I am rolling I think I will be ok.
    Do you know of anywhere that I can read example AOLs? I believe this would help me grasp where to begin

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I actually don´t know, maybe you could ask Adesola and Helen. I did find my feeback on my draft very helpful and revised my essays from that. Samantha

  5. 'How do I know what i know?'... Also what I have been trying to analyse! I would like to know why I have been finding it so tricky!
    I reflect all the time on lessons; strategies and methods; how learning is being achieved; what new strategies to implement or not etc. but somehow I seem to have missed the altogether internal growth and learning. Time restraints as they are, like you mentioned, are one factor I suppose.
    My original AOL's were dry and came from an FE/Ofsted perspective of the conclusion having to be that of paper evidence. Talking to Adesola changed my view in that I need to reflect on, analyse and identify what 'CAPTURES this learning'. I am hoping to write a blog at some point today about it as it was a definite mind shift worth sharing, if only to clarify it for myself!
    Hope you manage to find time to wade through it.
    Kind regards,

  6. One aspect that gave me a lightbulb moment today was realising that perhaps I had my eyes too firmly on the prize! I think that I have been so firmly looking at the final product, ie the evidence/the final qualification etc that I have not recognised the process and steps along the way. This element, would be the learning taking place and an area that I feel I should focus on further

  7. Hi, yes I feel I have been caught up with the end goal too and finding it hard to decipher a schedule of learning amongst an already busy work load. I have also found, having come from a world of striving to do my best that is inhibiting me (the fear of getting something wrong) and I feel it will take time and so feeling a little lost as I embark on this new journey! I am always evaluating my teaching and how I can improve what Im doing but what I thought I understood reading the Introduction to modules I feel has unraveled in starting on Module 1.

  8. As I remember I was very excited at the beginning of module one. I did not have any idea what should I do and even how I can be reflective. I just started to write down my experiences based on my career history and later on I understood that, why it is so important 'How do I know what I know?' I have realized that, the questions of 'how' and 'what ' can be the keys to being reflective. This is the essence of self-understanding. 'Reflection makes things matter more' (Stockman, 2015) and it also makes us sensitive and self-aware.

  9. Nice to "meet" you! Welcome to the MAPP! Looking forward to talking to you more via blogs and skype these coming modules. :)
